
Journals List

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Journal List
Title ISSN Frequency of Publication Recommendation department Language
皇冠 1019-3774 Monthly Nan-Tzu LibraryCi-Jin Branch Library Chinese Traditional
看雜誌 1996-577X Monthly Nan-Tzu Library Chinese Traditional
科技法律透析 1608-9499 Monthly Department of Marine Biotechnology Chinese Traditional
科儀新知 1019-5440 Bimonthly Department of Microelectronic EngineeringCi-Jin B Chinese Traditional
科學人 1682-2811 Monthly Commission of General EducationCi-Jin Branch Libr Chinese Traditional
科學月刊 0250-331X Monthly Department of Marine Biotechnology Chinese Traditional
科學發展月刊 0250-1651 Monthly Department of Fisheries Production and Management Chinese Traditional
科學養魚 1004-843X Monthly Department of Graduate Institute of Aquaculture Chinese Simplified
美國職棒 2079-7443 Monthly Nan-Tzu LibraryCi-Jin Branch Library Chinese Traditional
美國職籃聯盟雜誌 1024-8277 Monthly Nan-Tzu LibraryCi-Jin Branch Library Chinese Traditional
音響論壇 1024-3755 Monthly Nan-Tzu Library Chinese Traditional
風險管理學報 1561-9168 Semiannual Department of Shipping and Transportation Manageme Chinese Traditional
食品工業 0253-9047 Monthly Department of Seafood Science Chinese Traditional
食品工業科技 1002-0306 Monthly Department of Seafood Science Chinese Simplified
食品研究與開發 1005-6521 Monthly Department of Seafood Science Chinese Simplified
食品科技 1005-9989 Monthly Department of Seafood Science Chinese Simplified
食品科學 1002-6630 Monthly Department of Seafood Science Chinese Simplified
食品資訊 1027-2305 Bimonthly Department of Seafood ScienceDepartment of Marine Chinese Traditional
食品與生活 1004-5473 Monthly Department of Seafood Science Chinese Simplified
食品與發酵工業 0253-990X Monthly Department of Seafood Science Chinese Simplified
食品與機械 1003-5788 Bimonthly  Department of Seafood Science Chinese Simplified
振動與沖擊 1000-3835 Monthly Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Enginee Chinese Simplified
時報周刊 1023-4543 Weekly Nan-Tzu LibraryCi-Jin Branch Library Chinese Traditional
柴油機設計與製造 1671-0614 Quarterly Department of Marine Engineering Chinese Simplified
海巡 1727-6640 Bimonthly Department of Shipping Technology Chinese Traditional
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